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The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind - 10 Unconventional Laws To Redefine Your Life And Succeed On Your Own Terms

Condition: Well Read


RM58.51 MYR

Was: RM65.01 MYR

If you're feeling stuck in a conventional success loop, "The Code of The Extraordinary Mind" might be the breath of fresh strategy you need. Vishen Lakhiani doesn't just offer personal anecdotes; he equips you with a toolkit to revamp your mindset and habits, integrating insights from a wide array of successful individuals. Through this book, you could discover a path to success that feels uniquely tailored to your aspirations and worldview.

John - Moody Gospel Commentary

Condition: Very Good

RM42.80 MYR

If you're looking to delve deeply into the Gospel of John, Dr. Laney's commentary will take you on a meticulous journey, ensuring you don't miss the rich interconnectivity between verses. It's ideal for those wanting a comprehensive understanding of this profound part of the Bible, with a keen eye for details that create a cohesive scriptural narrative.

Beckett and Zen: A Study of Dilemma in the Novels of Samuel Beckett

Condition: Well Read

RM34.95 MYR

If you've ever found yourself lost in the works of Samuel Beckett, feeling that peculiar mix of confusion and depth, this book could be your guide. It offers a fresh lens through which to view Beckett's approach to the 'absurd,' providing a spiritual and philosophical context that might just change your perspective on his novels. You might find it a meditative companion to Beckett's often challenging narratives.
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Asian words of wisdom: over 500 motivational quotations and phrases on leadership, marketing, and personal development from Asia's leading thinkers

Condition: Very Good


RM19.24 MYR

Was: RM25.65 MYR

This book is a treasure trove of wisdom from influential Asian leaders, offering valuable insights into leadership, marketing, and personal development. With over 500 motivational quotations and phrases, it provides a diverse range of perspectives that can inspire readers on their journey of personal and professional growth. From Buddha to Confucius, Gandhi to Lao Tzu, each page is filled with profound words that can ignite a spark of motivation and guide readers towards success. Whether you're a business professional, aspiring leader, or simply seeking wisdom, this book is a valuable resource for those who wish to learn from the wisdom of Asia's leading thinkers.
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The Last Lecture : Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Lessons in Living

Condition: Very Good


RM34.95 MYR

Was: RM41.12 MYR

"The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch is a heartfelt roadmap to achieving one's dreams and savoring life. It goes beyond a typical inspirational book by sharing authentically personal lessons from a man keenly aware of his own ticking clock. This makes it relatable and urgent—readers find themselves reflecting on their own lives and priorities, which could be an invigorating catalyst for personal growth and reevaluation.

The End of Reason : A Response to the New Atheists

Condition: Well Read

RM34.95 MYR

If you've encountered Sam Harris's 'Letter to a Christian Nation' and found your beliefs rattled, Dr. Ravi Zacharias's 'The End of Reason' offers a soothing balm of counter-arguments. Zacharias, known for his eloquence and deep understanding of Christian apologetics, provides a thoughtful and hopeful defense of the faith. Ideal for believers seeking reaffirmation or skeptics curious about robust religious perspectives.

The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations

Condition: Well Read

RM34.95 MYR

You might find "The Culture of Narcissism" enlightening, especially if you've sensed a shift in societal values and personal interactions in recent times. It's a thought-provoking dive into the erosion of traditional family structures and the rise of individualism in America. Lasch's insights could give you a deeper understanding of contemporary social dynamics and the underlying psychological undercurrents.

Law of Success: The 21st-Century Edition : Revised and Updated

Condition: Very Good

RM66.36 MYR

If you've ever felt like you're capable of achieving more but can't seem to find the right rhythm, Hill's "Law of Success" might just be the metronome you need. This book doesn't just give you the fluffy "you can do it"; it walks you through the philosophy of personal success with a modern twist. It’s an extensive guide that could become your blueprint to navigating life's challenges with a steady and poised mindset.

Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art

Condition: Well Read

RM89.92 MYR

If you've ever found yourself pondering the profound connection between beauty, art, and the human experience, "Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art" promises a thought-provoking journey. Anne Sheppard doesn't expect you to have a background in philosophy, making it accessible as she dissects the nature of what draws us to art and the nuanced ways it enriches our lives. Delving into theories of imitation, expression, and formal qualities, this book is sure to deepen your appreciation for art, from literature to the visual arts, and challenge you to consider its moral impacts.
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The New Paradigm for Financial Markets : The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means

Condition: Very Good


RM31.02 MYR

Was: RM36.49 MYR

Recommendation: - This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gaining insights into the 2008 financial crisis and its far-reaching implications. George Soros, a legendary financier, offers a unique perspective rooted in decades of experience in financial markets. He delves into the origins of the crisis and connects the dots between individual and institutional behavior. With a combination of practical insight and philosophical depth, Soros makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of this historic event. Prepare to be enlightened and challenged as you navigate through the complexities of the credit crisis and its aftermath.
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Uncommon Sense

Condition: Very Good


RM78.14 MYR

Was: RM732.40 MYR

If you're feeling stuck or want to challenge prevailing wisdom, "Uncommon Sense" might just be the nudge you need. Mel Gill taps into ancient knowledge, presenting it with a fresh twist that's meant to energize and inspire you. It's an invitation to break free and soar with new perspectives—a kind of mental liberation that is both rare and necessary in today's world.

Discovering God: A Devotional Journey Through the Bible

Condition: Well Read

RM50.65 MYR

If you're seeking a spiritual experience that intertwines personal growth with a fresh look at biblical stories, Philip Yancey's 'Discovering God' could be a treasure for you. It's not just a read; it's a journey that offers a new vantage point on familiar scriptures, possibly deepening your perspective on faith and life with each story from a different book of the Bible.
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The Last Lecture : Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Lessons in Living

Condition: Well Read


RM31.02 MYR

Was: RM32.72 MYR

"The Last Lecture" strikes a personal chord as it distills the life lessons Randy Pausch wanted to leave behind, particularly about achieving dreams and facing obstacles. The author doesn't focus on his impending death but chooses to highlight the vitality of life and the importance of legacy. It's an inspiring read that offers perspective on what truly matters, making it a powerful and motivating book for anyone looking to reflect on their own life and aspirations.
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Goals! - How To Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

Condition: Very Good


RM38.87 MYR

Was: RM43.19 MYR

If you feel stuck or unsure about your future, "Goals!" could be the catalyst you need. With Brian Tracy's expertise shining through each page, you'll find not just inspiration, but actionable strategies that have already propelled countless others toward remarkable achievements. This book isn't just about dreaming; it's about doing.

Leadership and Self-Deception : Getting Out of the Box

Condition: Very Good

RM42.80 MYR

Imagine understanding the unseen barriers holding you back at work and home. That's what 'Leadership and Self-Deception' offers. It's not just a read; it’s a journey through introspection, wrapped in a relatable story. Unlock a transformative outlook that countless readers have claimed improved their workplace dynamics and personal relationships. This book could be a game-changer for you, too.

The Myth of Mars and Venus [Paperback]

Condition: Very Good

RM42.80 MYR

The Myth of Mars and Venus is more than just a counterpoint to gender clichés; it's a deep dive into the complexities of language and societal roles that shape our understanding of gender. Deborah Cameron doesn't just challenge well-trodden stereotypes; she engages with decades of academic research to provide a narrative that is both enlightening and essential for those interested in gender studies, communication, and challenging the status quo. If you've ever questioned the nuances of male and female communication, this thorough examination backed by scientific research is an insightful and potentially paradigm-shifting read.

Why Do People Hate America?

Condition: Well Read

RM34.95 MYR

If you're curious about the complex global perceptions of America and want to dive deeper into international relations, this book is an eye-opener. It's a thoughtful examination of why anti-American sentiments exist and how they are shaped by policies and cultural influences. It could help you understand the nuances of geopolitical dynamics and the controversies surrounding America's influence worldwide.
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The Unquiet Grave: A Word Cycle

Condition: Well Read


RM31.02 MYR

Was: RM38.78 MYR

Imagine yourself submerged in the depths of a world at war, where the boundaries between reality and dreams blur. Cyril Connolly's "The Unquiet Grave" offers an intimate glimpse into the author's personal struggles with aging, lost love, and the horrors of war. With its unique blend of aphorisms, quotes, and reflective passages, this book will transport you to a time of chaos and introspection. Prepare to be captivated by its dazzling originality and profound insights that have captured the hearts of readers for generations.

Leadership and the New Science

Condition: Very Good

RM42.80 MYR

If you're intrigued by how innovative scientific concepts can revolutionize the way we understand and apply leadership, then "Leadership and the New Science" is right up your alley. Margaret Wheatley presents a fascinating blend of quantum physics and organizational management that's sure to provide fresh perspectives on empowerment and change, making it perfect for forward-thinking leaders seeking to evolve their approach to guiding others.

Doctrine of Salvation

Condition: Well Read

RM38.87 MYR

If you've been wrestling with the big life questions and eternal matters, "The Doctrine of Salvation" offers a deep dive that could resonate with your spiritual search. Charles Horne's approach is systematic and thorough, dissecting the concept of salvation as presented in the Bible. It's a read that doesn't just inform, but also inspires assurance and a sense of direction for those seeking a grounded, scriptural understanding of salvation.
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Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy

Condition: Well Read


RM31.02 MYR

Was: RM34.47 MYR

If you’re feeling constrained by conventional hierarchical structures, "Holacracy" could be the breath of fresh managerial air you're looking for. It shifts the paradigm from a top-down approach to a fluid role-based system where every team member takes the lead. Robertson not only shares the philosophy but also offers practical steps for implementation, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in cutting-edge organizational design or eager to shake up their startup or department.

Spiritual Growth Series 1 - The G

Condition: Well Read

RM23.17 MYR

The author Paul C. Jong has, so far, published 10 books in turn as the basic Christian book series. Through these books, countless have received the remission of sin by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Now, the author is publishing his second series for his readers’ spiritual growth, and this book is the first one. In this book, the author once again testifies that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is the only truth that gives life. Especially his interpretation on Matthew chapter 3 sheds the light of Truth that enables the readers to have a bight insight to the Bible. And the author attempts to nourish the born again readers with the Word of life. People throughout the world will be raised as the Disciples of Christ through this spiritual growth series, for this book provide the Word of faith, of truth, and the ways of God’s righteousness. Therefore, they will become instruments that save the lost souls with their belief in the power of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. As every plant blooms and then bears fruit, I believe the power of the true gospels not only blesses those readers who seek the truth in this book but also allows them to lead their lives as God’s workers. They will be blessed physically and spiritually. This book is not merely a collection of commentaries, but a series of life-giving sermons that will bring about tremendous blessings

The Cloud of Unknowing, and Other Works

Condition: Well Read

RM38.87 MYR

This book enchants with its profound spiritual wisdom, offering a timeless contemplation beyond intellectual barriers. Its anonymous author conveys the beauty of reaching the divine through love rather than knowledge, making it a priceless read for those yearning to deepen their spiritual journey.

How Successful People Think : Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Condition: Very Good

RM42.80 MYR

If you've ever wondered how visionaries and industry leaders sculpt their paths, "How Successful People Think" can be your roadmap. Maxwell doesn't just arm you with theoretical knowledge; he provides actionable steps that encourage you not just to think, but to think expansively and with intention. It's for you if you're ready to elevate your mental game and step confidently towards your goals.

Catechism of the Catholic Church : Complete and Updated

Condition: Very Good

RM38.12 MYR

If you're looking to deepen your understanding of the Catholic Church, this is your roadmap. The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' isn't just another book; it's a comprehensive exploration of faith, tradition, and practice that has guided millions. Whether you're a devout follower or simply curious about the intricacies of Catholicism, the Catechism offers clear, accessible information that stands as the benchmark for religious education. It's an indispensable resource for spiritual growth and clarity.
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Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success : Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches

Condition: Well Read


RM31.02 MYR

Was: RM34.47 MYR

Steve Harvey's Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success is a must-read for anyone who wants to unlock their full potential. Harvey inspires readers to discover their unique gift and utilize it to achieve success in all aspects of life. Through personal anecdotes and insightful advice, this book provides a roadmap to help readers define, perfect, and connect their gift to their life's purpose. Harvey's funny yet firm approach and practical insights make this an essential guide for anyone who is ready to transform their life and achieve their dreams.
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The Truth About Love

Condition: Very Good


RM27.09 MYR

Was: RM38.70 MYR

The Truth About Love offers a beautifully curated collection of over 380 contradictory, yet true quotes about the many faces of love. This book is perfect for anyone ready to experience the complex, marvelous state of being in love. Its unique feature is its ability to offer an honest and insightful look at the multifaceted presence of love in our lives.

The Question Book

Condition: Very Good

RM38.87 MYR

If introspection is your jam, The Question Book might just be your next read. Imagine a roadmap that navigates through the terrains of your professional and personal life, encouraging honest self-reflection. This book not only teases out your hidden thoughts and feelings but could also serve as a conversation starter with others. Dive in and discover revelations about your true self.

The Pocket Book of Hygge

Condition: Very Good

RM42.80 MYR

If life's hectic pace has you yearning for a serene refuge, "The Pocket Book of Hygge" might just be the literary equivalent of a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea. This collection brings together thoughts from esteemed writers and thinkers, each quote handpicked to help you embrace the Danish concept of hygge. It's perfect for those quiet moments when you need a gentle reminder of the simple joys and comforts that make life beautiful.
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The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

Condition: Well Read


RM31.02 MYR

Was: RM38.78 MYR

Diving into this book, you're essentially sitting down to a candid conversation with Andy Warhol himself. It's not just a glimpse into his artistic vision but also a walk through his personal thoughts on everyday topics. You'll see Warhol in a more human light, far from the untouchable persona often portrayed in media—an endearing read for anyone intrigued by the mingling of celebrity culture with the mundane.