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Timeless Teachers and Ethical Visions

Condition: Like New


RM66.06 MYR

Was: RM94.37 MYR

Timeless Teachers and Ethical Visions is a great read for anyone interested in education policies and philosophy. The book provides a comprehensive historical account of educational concerns and theories while also giving insight into the current neoliberal educational policy. The unique feature of this book is its emphasis on constructing an educational policy that benefits the community and enhances community consciousness to the learner. This is a great book for educators, policymakers, and students interested in education policy and ethical education.

The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons

Condition: Very Good

RM73.06 MYR

Recommended for individuals seeking motivation and self-improvement. The book offers timeless advice on how to achieve success, overcome obstacles, and cultivate good habits. It's a comprehensive guide to personal and professional growth that emphasizes persistence, self-discipline, and optimism. Users will appreciate the practical exercises and real-life examples that demonstrate how to apply the principles to their own lives.

The Audacity Of Hope : Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

Condition: Very Good

RM69.97 MYR

If you're feeling jaded by the partisan rifts or disconnected from today's political discourse, "The Audacity of Hope" might be the breath of fresh air you're looking for. Obama's narrative is more than an exploration of political ideology—it's a resonating call for unity grounded in the American spirit. His intimate storytelling blended with earnest idealism will likely renew your faith in what politics could be. This book resonates with sincerety and offers thoughtful perspectives on democracy's challenges and potentials, which might just leave you with a renewed sense of hope.

Status Anxiety

Condition: Very Good

RM42.61 MYR

Alain de Botton has a talent for making philosophy accessible, and in "Status Anxiety" he turns his attention to a very personal aspect of our lives: our social status and how we feel about it. This book could be a breath of fresh psychological air, especially if you've been feeling the weight of social expectations. It’s like having a calm conversation with a wise friend who helps you understand why you feel the way you do and offers a different perspective on how to cope with these often unspoken anxieties.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

"The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" is a great read for those seeking spiritual and personal growth. The book's unique feature is the author's ability to turn life lessons into a fable-like story. It teaches readers how to abandon consumerism, find their life's purpose, and live joyfully. The book has received glowing reviews for its engaging writing style and practical advice, inspiring readers to take a step-by-step approach to live a more fulfilling life.
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Holacracy: The Revolutionary Management System that Abolishes Hierarchy

Condition: Well Read


RM30.88 MYR

Was: RM34.31 MYR

If you’re feeling constrained by conventional hierarchical structures, "Holacracy" could be the breath of fresh managerial air you're looking for. It shifts the paradigm from a top-down approach to a fluid role-based system where every team member takes the lead. Robertson not only shares the philosophy but also offers practical steps for implementation, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in cutting-edge organizational design or eager to shake up their startup or department.
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Goals! - How To Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

Condition: Very Good


RM38.70 MYR

Was: RM43.00 MYR

If you feel stuck or unsure about your future, "Goals!" could be the catalyst you need. With Brian Tracy's expertise shining through each page, you'll find not just inspiration, but actionable strategies that have already propelled countless others toward remarkable achievements. This book isn't just about dreaming; it's about doing.
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Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation

Condition: Like New


RM46.52 MYR

Was: RM58.15 MYR

If you're hungry for progress but find yourself stuck, "Get It Done" might just be your roadmap to breakthrough. Author Ayelet Fishbach doesn't just theorize; she equips you with a scientifically-backed framework that's been proven to reel in those floating ambitions. You'll be deeply engaged by real stories while soaking up strategies that can move you towards your goals with a clear mind and a healthy vigor.
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I Moved Your Cheese; For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Elses Maze

Condition: Very Good


RM38.70 MYR

Was: RM43.00 MYR

"I Moved Your Cheese" will resonate with you if you're tired of playing by others' rules and crave the empowerment to shape your own path. Malhotra's tale of three adventurous mice, Max, Big, and Zed, isn’t just about finding success but redefining the very environment that limits you. It's a short, impactful read that may just inspire you to redesign your own mazes in life.

Echoes of Perennial Wisdom

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

"Echoes of Perennial Wisdom" offers a reprieve from the noisy world, inviting you into a space of contemplation. Each excerpt is like a gate to deeper understanding, resonating with those seeking to enrich their spiritual journey. It's not just a read; it's an experience that could gently nudge you towards enlightenment.

On Love

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

If you've ever tried to understand love's complexities, "On Love" can feel like a guide drawn both from a philosopher's mind and a romantic's heart. Stendhal will take you through the mechanics and the madness of love, offering an analysis that's as profound as it is personal. His own struggle with unrequited love makes his insights compelling and deeply relatable.

Losing My Cool - Love, Literature, And A Black Man's Escape From The Crowd

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

If you're intrigued by the intersection of compelling cultural forces and personal growth, "Losing My Cool" could speak to you. Thomas Chatterton Williams weaves a narrative that's as much about the seductive grip of hip-hop as it is about the redemptive qualities of literature and the complex yet sturdy bonds of family. It's an honest dive into balancing identities and finding one's path amidst the pressures of community and the pull of individual aspirations.
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Zen Puppies : Meditations for the Wise Minds of Puppy Lovers (Zen philosophy, Pet Lovers, COg Mom, Gift Book of Quotes and Proverbs)

Condition: Like New


RM38.70 MYR

Was: RM55.29 MYR

'Zen Puppies' could be a perfect read for pet lovers and anyone interested in engaging with the teachings of Buddhism. The book provides insightful quotes and proverbs from Buddha's Dhammapada that can help readers gain a deeper understanding of life's basic struggles. The unique feature of the book is its combination of cute puppy pictures and profound wisdom that makes it a perfect gift book for anyone seeking mindfulness and inspiration.
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The First 20 Hours : How to Learn Anything . . . Fast!

Condition: Well Read


RM30.88 MYR

Was: RM34.31 MYR

This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn a new skill quickly. Kaufman's approach is systematic and practical, making it easy to follow. The book is easy to read and offers practical tips that can be applied to any skill. A must-read for anyone who wants to learn something new but doesn't have a lot of time to spare.

Discovering God: A Devotional Journey Through the Bible

Condition: Well Read

RM50.42 MYR

If you're seeking a spiritual experience that intertwines personal growth with a fresh look at biblical stories, Philip Yancey's 'Discovering God' could be a treasure for you. It's not just a read; it's a journey that offers a new vantage point on familiar scriptures, possibly deepening your perspective on faith and life with each story from a different book of the Bible.
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Hail! Ancient Chinese

Condition: Very Good


RM34.79 MYR

Was: RM49.70 MYR

A great read for history enthusiasts seeking insight into Ancient China's remarkable persistence in defeating foreign invaders. The book uniquely covers various dynasties, famous personalities as well as inventions and provides an interesting perspective on daily life on the Great Wall of China.
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The Last Lecture : Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Lessons in Living

Condition: Well Read


RM30.88 MYR

Was: RM32.57 MYR

"The Last Lecture" strikes a personal chord as it distills the life lessons Randy Pausch wanted to leave behind, particularly about achieving dreams and facing obstacles. The author doesn't focus on his impending death but chooses to highlight the vitality of life and the importance of legacy. It's an inspiring read that offers perspective on what truly matters, making it a powerful and motivating book for anyone looking to reflect on their own life and aspirations.

The Summing Up

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

"The Summing Up" offers a profound journey through W. Somerset Maugham's experiences and thoughts, bringing you face to face with one man's interpretation of life, art, and the act of writing. If you seek wisdom that has been distilled over a lifetime and delivered with literary finesse, you'll appreciate the candid and thoughtful musings that Maugham provides. It's a book that invites you to reflect on your own life while considering the broader questions that define our existence.
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Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere : An Illustrated Introduction

Condition: Well Read


RM30.88 MYR

Was: RM41.17 MYR

Aikido isn't just another martial art; it's about the synergy between your mental focus and physical grace. If you're looking to not just defend yourself but do so with an art form that emphasizes ethics and harmony, this illustrated guide dives deep into the techniques and philosophies. With the visuals and in-depth explanations by Ratti and Westbrook, you'll be starting on a clear path to integrating Aikido into your life, both inside and out of the dojo.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Condition: Very Good

RM38.70 MYR

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is an inspiring tale that teaches valuable lessons on living a joyful and fulfilling life. The book offers a practical approach to developing positive habits, pursuing one's calling, and making the most of every moment. Readers will be captivated by the story of Julian Mantle and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance on their personal and spiritual path.
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In the Furnace of Doubts

Condition: Well Read


RM30.88 MYR

Was: RM38.60 MYR

This book is a comforting companion for those who find themselves grappling with doubts and uncertainties in their faith. Catherine Doherty shares her own experiences of doubts and anxieties, offering meditations that provide solace and guidance. By walking with her through the struggles, readers can find new perspectives on faith, hope, and love, and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.

The Symposium

Condition: Well Read

RM23.06 MYR

If you're looking for a thought-provoking journey into the intricacies of love and desire, "The Symposium" is a must-read. Written by Plato, this captivating philosophical work takes you back to Ancient Athens, where a group of intellectuals passionately discuss the nature of eros over a lively drinking party. Through their conversations, you'll be immersed in profound reflections on gender roles, societal norms, and the transcendent power of spiritual love. Prepare to have your perspectives challenged and expanded as you delve into this timeless exploration of the complexities of human connection.

The Upanishads. Vol.3 Aitareya and Brihadaranyaka

Condition: Very Good

RM38.70 MYR

Diving into "The Upanishads" can offer you a serene form of introspection, where each page turn invites you to contemplate life's deepest questions. It's an invitation to intellectually and spiritually enrich yourself, allowing a glimpse into the vast ocean of Indian philosophical thought. This volume can be especially gratifying if you're looking to elevate your understanding of self and the universe.

How Successful People Think : Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Condition: Very Good

RM42.61 MYR

If you've ever wondered how visionaries and industry leaders sculpt their paths, "How Successful People Think" can be your roadmap. Maxwell doesn't just arm you with theoretical knowledge; he provides actionable steps that encourage you not just to think, but to think expansively and with intention. It's for you if you're ready to elevate your mental game and step confidently towards your goals.

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

Dale Carnegie's "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" is like having a wise mentor at your fingertips, offering time-tested strategies that promise to lift the burdens of anxiety off your shoulders. It's particularly resonant for those who find themselves entangled in the web of modern-day stresses and yearn for a more peaceful, worry-free existence. It’s not just insightful; it’s a pathway to reclaiming joy and serenity in your day-to-day life.
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Stories Told by the Mother Part -II *

Condition: Well Read


RM15.24 MYR

Was: RM21.77 MYR

This book could be a good read for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and guidance. Through a collection of stories, the author conveys living truths that are meant to bring readers closer to the Mother. Each anecdote serves as a revelation, offering a unique perspective on life and spirituality. Dive into this book to experience a profound connection with the Mother and uncover hidden truths that will inspire and guide you on your spiritual journey.

Why Do People Hate America?

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

If you're curious about the complex global perceptions of America and want to dive deeper into international relations, this book is an eye-opener. It's a thoughtful examination of why anti-American sentiments exist and how they are shaped by policies and cultural influences. It could help you understand the nuances of geopolitical dynamics and the controversies surrounding America's influence worldwide.

Home : A Short History of an Idea

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

If you find yourself musing over how your home became the cozy sanctuary it is today, Witold Rybczynski's "Home: A Short History of an Idea" could give you that insight. It's not just a history lesson but a journey that connects architectural necessity to the creature comforts we often take for granted. This book peels back the layers of domestic evolution, offering a narrative that is as educational as it is enjoyable. Your appreciation for the concept of "home" will deepen with each page.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff-- and it's All Small Stuff : Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking over Your Life

Condition: Well Read

RM34.79 MYR

Recommendation: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff is a perfect fit for anyone looking to overcome stress and anxiety by making small daily changes to their life. The author’s insightful and thoughtful suggestions encourage the reader to live in the present moment, trust their intuition and find peace with imperfection. This book is a perfect guide for anyone who wants to live a more peaceful and stress-free life.

Curriculum and Imagination - Process Theory, Pedagogy and Action Research

Condition: Very Good

RM38.70 MYR

For educators looking to break away from rigid, objective-centric curriculum models, "Curriculum and Imagination" could be a breath of fresh air. It dives into a process-oriented approach that values critical judgment and the nuanced art of teaching. This book not only provides a theoretical framework but also champions the educator's role in action research, making it a compelling read for those wanting to reclaim a sense of agency and creativity in educational planning.