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This book would be a good read for someone who longs to be transported to a time of youth and introspection, where love, loss, and the power of music intertwine. Murakami's poetic writing style and penchant for creating relatable, complex characters will leave you pondering the delicate threads that connect our past with our present. Get ready to embark on an emotional journey that will resonate deeply within your soul.

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Norwegian Wood : Discover Haruki Murakami's most beloved novel

ISBN: 9780099448822
RM49.22 MYR
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: RM59.46 MYR
Authors: Haruki Murakami
Publisher: Vintage
Date of Publication: 2003-07-04
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 4.02
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This book would be a good read for someone who longs to be transported to a time of youth and introspection, where love, loss, and the power of music intertwine. Murakami's poetic writing style and penchant for creating relatable, complex characters will leave you pondering the delicate threads that connect our past with our present. Get ready to embark on an emotional journey that will resonate deeply within your soul.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!