
Find in our Politics section critical commentaries on America and Asia, and insightful memoirs by political figures such as Lee Kuan Yew, Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

941 Results

941 Results

The Analects - Thryft

The Analects

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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"The Analects" isn't just a book; it's a guiding star across centuries, distilled from the profound musings of Confucius and his followers. If you're drawn to the roots of Eastern philosophy or seeking ethical grounding in a historical context, this collection is like having a conversation with the past, finding its echoes relevant in today’s moral compass. It's a bridge between ancient intellect and contemporary quests for virtue.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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Queen of Our Times: The Life of Queen Elizabeth II - Thryft
Robert Hardman

Queen of Our Times: The Life of Queen Elizabeth II

Regular price RM69.66 MYR from RM50.20 MYR Save up to 30%

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If the royal family piques your interest, especially the figure of Queen Elizabeth II, "Queen of Our Times" could be for you. Robert Hardman offers an in-depth look at the Queen's long-standing reign and her adaptability through decades of global change. His access to royal insiders provides a rich, intimate portrait that could offer new insights even to those familiar with her storied life.

Regular price RM69.66 MYR from RM50.20 MYR Save up to 30%

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I Do What I Do - Thryft
Rajan Raghuram G

I Do What I Do

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 47%

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This book would be a good read for anyone interested in getting a behind-the-scenes look into the challenges and decisions faced by a central bank governor during times of economic turmoil. Through his speeches and essays, Raghuram G. Rajan provides accessible explanations of complex economic concepts, while also addressing broader issues such as tolerance and political freedom. Reading this book will not only deepen your understanding of economics but also give you a fresh perspective on the importance of strong institutions and long-term growth for a country's prosperity.

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 47%

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Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization - Thryft
Parag Khanna

Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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If you're intrigued by the way globalization and connectivity are reshaping the geopolitical landscape, "Connectography" might well be your kind of read. Parag Khanna unpacks a complex subject with authority and engaging storytelling, painting a convincing picture of a world where infrastructure bonds are mightier than territorial claims. It's an optimistic, forward-thinking take that chimes especially with those interested in how economics, technology, and policy converge to define our global society.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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The World in Conflict : Understanding the world's troublespots - Thryft
John Andrews

The World in Conflict : Understanding the world's troublespots

Regular price RM26.85 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 45%

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This book is a great guide for anyone who wants to understand the complex nature of conflicts and violence happening across the world. John Andrews masterfully breaks down conflicts region by region, analyzing causes, contexts, participants, impacts, and likely outcomes. This book is a must-read for those interested in understanding our current world of terrorism, shifting powers, and ongoing strife.

Regular price RM26.85 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 45%

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Original Meanings : Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution - Thryft
Jack N. Rakove

Original Meanings : Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution

from RM46.31 MYR

Unit price

If you're fascinated by the very foundation of American democracy, 'Original Meanings' is a book you'll find enriching. Jack Rakove delves into the heated debates and diverse perspectives that shaped the U.S. Constitution. It's a detailed, historical study that offers a clear view into the political minds of the 1780s, making it perfect for someone eager to understand the origins of constitutional thought and its implications today.

from RM46.31 MYR

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The Pelican History of European Thought,Vol.6 : The Age of the Masses: Ideas And Society in Europe Since 1870 - Thryft

from RM15.11 MYR

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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century - Thryft
Thomas L. Friedman

The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

from RM22.96 MYR

Unit price

"The World is Flat" offers a timely update on globalization and its effects. Friedman provides a compelling account of how advanced technologies have connected the world, and how this "flattening" affects us all. Through his impressive writing, Friedman helps readers understand the opportunities and challenges of the new global age. If you'd like to understand the workings of the global economy and how technology is shaping our future, this book is for you.

from RM22.96 MYR

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The Culture of Contentment - Thryft
John Kenneth Galbraith

The Culture of Contentment

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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If you're intrigued by the intricate relationship between politics, economics, and social stagnation, "The Culture of Contentment" could be an insightful read for you. Galbraith masterfully uses the climate of the late 20th century to probe into the sense of satisfaction that can often precede serious societal challenges. Whether you're a history buff or just keen on understanding the cyclic nature of contentment and crisis, this book will offer a thought-provoking analysis.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic - Thryft
David Frum

Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 36%

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This book is a must-read for those concerned about the erosion of democratic institutions. David Frum presents a compelling argument on how the Trump presidency has damaged American democracy, shedding light on the lies and disregard for traditional limits. His insightful analysis unravels the consequences of this corruption for our nation and our lives. Trumpocracy serves as a wake-up call to take action and prevent the further decline of our democratic values.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 36%

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The Churchill Factor : How One Man Made History - Thryft
Boris Johnson

The Churchill Factor : How One Man Made History

Regular price RM30.74 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 45%

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This book is a captivating exploration of Winston Churchill's unique qualities that made him one of the greatest leaders of the twentieth century. Boris Johnson, now the leader of the UK, delves into Churchill's contradictions, bravery, eloquence, and humanity, showing how one man can shape history. With characteristic wit and passion, Johnson reveals the resounding human rebuttal to those who believe history is driven solely by economic forces. If you want to understand the essence of leadership, this book is a must-read.

Regular price RM30.74 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 45%

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The Bookseller of Kabul: The International Bestseller - 'An Intimate Portrait of Afghani People Quite Unlike Any Other' Sunday Times - Thryft
Åsne Seierstad, Ingrid Christophersen

The Bookseller of Kabul: The International Bestseller - 'An Intimate Portrait of Afghani People Quite Unlike Any Other' Sunday Times

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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This book would be a good read for those who seek a firsthand account of life in Afghanistan. Through the eyes of Sultan Khan, a bookseller in Kabul, readers are taken on a journey that explores the resilience of the human spirit in the face of political turmoil and censorship. As Åsne Seierstad immerses herself in an Afghan family, the book paints a vivid picture of the struggles, marriages, power dynamics, and the profound impact of history on a nation. Highly recommended for those fascinated by stories of survival and personal resilience.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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The Audacity Of Hope : Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream - Thryft
Barack Obama

The Audacity Of Hope : Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

from RM54.09 MYR

Unit price

If you're feeling jaded by the partisan rifts or disconnected from today's political discourse, "The Audacity of Hope" might be the breath of fresh air you're looking for. Obama's narrative is more than an exploration of political ideology—it's a resonating call for unity grounded in the American spirit. His intimate storytelling blended with earnest idealism will likely renew your faith in what politics could be. This book resonates with sincerety and offers thoughtful perspectives on democracy's challenges and potentials, which might just leave you with a renewed sense of hope.

from RM54.09 MYR

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The Post-American World: And the Rise of the Rest - Thryft
Fareed Zakaria

The Post-American World: And the Rise of the Rest

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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Recommendation: The Post-American World is an eye-opening read for anyone who wants to understand the shift of economic and political power from the West to the East. Zakaria provides insightful analysis and explores the challenges and opportunities of living in a globalized world. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to stay informed on current events and understand the complexities of international relations.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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Between Commitment and Disillusion - The Obstructed Path and the Sea Change, 1930-1965: With a New Introduction - Thryft
H. Stuart Hughes

Between Commitment and Disillusion - The Obstructed Path and the Sea Change, 1930-1965: With a New Introduction

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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If you're drawn to the profound shifts in thinking and culture that swept through France between the World Wars and beyond, "Between Commitment and Disillusion" could be a stimulating read for you. Henry Stuart Hughes navigates through the complexities of Marxism, the allure of Fascism, and the rise of psychoanalytic thought with a historian's precision and an intellectual's curiosity. It's a poignant exploration of how ideas evolve in turbulent times.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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The Next 100 Years : a Forecast for the 21st Century - Thryft
George Friedman

The Next 100 Years : a Forecast for the 21st Century

Regular price RM46.31 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 35%

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If you're fascinated by the patterns of history and the potential of the future, "The Next 100 Years" by George Friedman could be your next absorbing read. Friedman's expertise makes for a compelling dive into what the future may hold, making it seem less like speculation and more like informed forecasting. It's for anyone interested in geopolitical dynamics and how they might unfold in the coming decades.

Regular price RM46.31 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 35%

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More From Less - How We Finally Stopped Using Up The World - And What Happens Next - Thryft
Andrew McAfee

More From Less - How We Finally Stopped Using Up The World - And What Happens Next

from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 51%

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Recommendation: - More From Less is a game-changing book that challenges the pessimistic view of our environmental future. Andrew McAfee presents a compelling case for optimism as he explores how advancements in technology and capitalism have led to a shift towards using fewer resources while maintaining a comfortable life. This book will empower you with knowledge and inspire you to take action towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.

from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 51%

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Becoming - Thryft
Michelle Obama


Regular price RM54.09 MYR from RM38.53 MYR Save up to 29%

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Dive into 'Becoming' if you seek inspiration from a truly influential figure. Michelle Obama shares her heartfelt journey with a blend of candor and warmth that feels like a chat with a wise friend. Her narrative embodies the challenges and triumphs encountered in carving a space for oneself, making it resonate with anyone on their path to self-discovery and becoming.

Regular price RM54.09 MYR from RM38.53 MYR Save up to 29%

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The Industries of the Future - Thryft
Alec J. Ross

The Industries of the Future

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the rapidly changing economic landscape. Alec Ross offers a comprehensive view of the industries that will shape our future, including robotics, artificial intelligence, cybercrime, genomics, big data, and digital technology. He explores tough questions about the changing nature of work and the impact of globalization on emerging nations. The book combines storytelling and economic analysis to deliver a captivating read that will leave you feeling both informed and inspired.

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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How The Other Half Learns: Equality, excellence, and the battle over school choice - Thryft
Robert Pondiscio

How The Other Half Learns: Equality, excellence, and the battle over school choice

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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If educational equity is a concern you hold dear, "How The Other Half Learns" could offer you a profound look at the struggle and nuance behind school choice. It's not just about stats and policies; Pondiscio provides a humanized glance at Success Academy's approach and its implications, questioning broader societal assumptions and inviting readers to reckon with the difficult balance between excellence and equity in education.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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Profile in Courage - Thryft
John F.;Kennedy Kennedy

Profile in Courage

Regular price RM22.96 MYR from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 43%

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Recommendation: - If you're searching for a book that showcases the courage and integrity of political figures, then "Profile in Courage" is a must-read. This Pulitzer Prize-winning book shares the awe-inspiring stories of eight United States Senators who faced immense opposition but stayed true to their principles. With timeless lessons and a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit, this book will leave you feeling hopeful and motivated to make a difference in the world.

Regular price RM22.96 MYR from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 43%

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On Law and Ideology - Thryft
Paul Q. Hirst

On Law and Ideology

Regular price RM73.55 MYR from RM61.88 MYR Save up to 16%

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If you're intrigued by the deep ties between law and societal beliefs, "On Law and Ideology" could be enlightening. Paul Q. Hirst dissects legal systems through a critical lens, revealing how ideologies shape law and, in turn, how law reinforces certain ideologies. It's dense but rewarding for those interested in legal theory's underpinnings and its socio-political implications.

Regular price RM73.55 MYR from RM61.88 MYR Save up to 16%

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Kill All Normies - Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-right - Thryft
Angela Nagle

Kill All Normies - Online culture wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-right

Regular price RM26.85 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 45%

Unit price

If you're curious about the dark underbelly of internet subcultures, "Kill All Normies" is a must-read. Angela Nagle fearlessly dives into the controversial and fascinating world of 4chan, alt-right movements, and online feminism. This book not only delves into the historical origins of these ideologies, but also offers a compelling case for reevaluating our current cultural climate. Prepare for a thought-provoking journey that unveils the hidden battlefields of the internet.

Regular price RM26.85 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 45%

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Seize the Moment					America's Challenge in a One-Superpower World - Thryft
Richard M. Nixon

Seize the Moment America's Challenge in a One-Superpower World

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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You might find "Seize the Moment" particularly compelling if you're intrigued by the geopolitical shifts after the Cold War. Nixon, with his depth of experience, offers a unique perspective on America's role in a rapidly changing global landscape. It's a blend of historical analysis and forward-thinking from a former president, which could provide a thought-provoking exploration of international relations.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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Mother of Invention - Thryft
Katrine Marçal

Mother of Invention

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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If you've ever questioned why some obvious innovations seemed delayed or have been curious about the untapped potential of women's ideas, "Mother of Invention" will take you on an eye-opening journey. Katrine Marçal tackles the silent biases in our economy with fierce perspective, shedding light on how the world can benefit from including and prioritizing women's inventions and insights. This book promises to be a thrilling read for anyone interested in innovation, equality, and rewriting history.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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War and Anti-War : Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century - Thryft
Heidi Toffler, Alvin Toffler

War and Anti-War : Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century

from RM30.74 MYR

Unit price

This book investigates the complex relationship between war and the global economy, providing a unique perspective on the nature of conflict in the 21st century. Through their deep analysis, leading futurists Alvin Toffler paint a vivid picture of the future face of war. If you are intrigued by the intersection of warfare and economic activity, this book is an enlightening and thought-provoking read that will challenge your understanding of warfare in the modern world.

from RM30.74 MYR

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The Secret History of the World - Thryft
Jonathan Black

The Secret History of the World

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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If you're enthralled by the clandestine and the arcane, "The Secret History of the World" is an intriguing read for you. Jonathan Black delves into the lore of secret societies and proposes an alternative perception of history, influenced by occult and mystical viewpoints. The allure of this book lies in its ability to challenge conventional wisdom and invites you to look beyond what is commonly accepted, potentially reshaping your perspective on reality itself.

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 20%

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The New Paradigm for Financial Markets : The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means - Thryft
George Soros

The New Paradigm for Financial Markets : The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What it Means

Regular price RM22.96 MYR from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 38%

Unit price

Recommendation: - This book is a must-read for anyone interested in gaining insights into the 2008 financial crisis and its far-reaching implications. George Soros, a legendary financier, offers a unique perspective rooted in decades of experience in financial markets. He delves into the origins of the crisis and connects the dots between individual and institutional behavior. With a combination of practical insight and philosophical depth, Soros makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of this historic event. Prepare to be enlightened and challenged as you navigate through the complexities of the credit crisis and its aftermath.

Regular price RM22.96 MYR from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 38%

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The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century - Thryft
Thomas L. Friedman

The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

Unit price

Picture the world as a level playing field where technology connects you to opportunities but also pits you against a global workforce. "The World is Flat" offers that perspective. It's perfect for you if you're curious about how rapid technological advances are shaping our society and economy, and what it means for you as an individual to navigate this interconnected world. Thomas Friedman weaves a compelling narrative that not only explores these dramatic shifts but also serves as a guide to understanding and adapting to them.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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The Fall of Boris Johnson: The Full Story - Thryft
Sebastian Payne

The Fall of Boris Johnson: The Full Story

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 30%

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Whether you're a politico or just curious about the machinations within British politics, "The Fall of Boris Johnson: The Full Story" could quench that thirst. Sebastian Payne offers an intimate, fly-on-the-wall perspective on the cascade of missteps leading to a leader's undoing. Imagine having a backstage pass to one of the most pivotal political dramas in recent UK history—this book is that pass.

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 30%

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The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It - Thryft
Mary Ann Sieghart

The Authority Gap: Why Women Are Still Taken Less Seriously Than Men, and What We Can Do About It

Regular price RM46.31 MYR from RM34.64 MYR Save up to 28%

Unit price

"The Authority Gap" is an eye-opener that might stir something within you, especially if you're committed to personal growth and social justice. Mary Ann Sieghart lays bare the often-subconscious biases we carry and offers clear-cut insights into how these perceptions shape the professional and personal worlds of women. By the end of it, not only will you reflect on how you perceive authority and gender, but you'll also be armed with knowledge to make tangible changes in your daily interactions. This book could be the catalyst for your journey towards true equality.

Regular price RM46.31 MYR from RM34.64 MYR Save up to 28%

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The Future Is Asian : Commerce, Conflict, and Culture in the 21st Century - Thryft
Parag Khanna

The Future Is Asian : Commerce, Conflict, and Culture in the 21st Century

Regular price RM69.66 MYR from RM57.99 MYR Save up to 17%

Unit price

If you've been curious about the global shift in power dynamics, "The Future Is Asian" might just be the enlightening read you're looking for. Parag Khanna paints a vivid picture of a world where Asia's influence on commerce, conflict, and culture is reshaping the 21st century. It’s a compelling narrative that steers away from Western-centric views, offering fresh insights into the diverse and interconnected Asian region. This book could not only broaden your geopolitical understanding but also challenge how you perceive the world's future.

Regular price RM69.66 MYR from RM57.99 MYR Save up to 17%

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Asia's Reckoning : The Struggle for Global Dominance - Thryft
Richard McGregor

Asia's Reckoning : The Struggle for Global Dominance

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM34.64 MYR Save up to 18%

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"Asia's Reckoning" is a compelling dive into the intricate dynamics among global powerhouses — China, Japan, and the US. For anyone interested in understanding the undercurrents that shape our world's political and economic discourse, Richard McGregor's detailed narrative offers a nuanced perspective. It's particularly relevant now, as the balance of power continues to shift, and knowing the history is key to understanding future possibilities.

Regular price RM38.53 MYR from RM34.64 MYR Save up to 18%

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The Man Who Knew : The Life & Times of Alan Greenspan - Thryft
Sebastian Mallaby

The Man Who Knew : The Life & Times of Alan Greenspan

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 47%

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This book would be a good read for those interested in the intricacies of global finance and the life of one of its key players. Sebastian Mallaby's well-researched biography provides an insider look into the life of Alan Greenspan, showcasing his rise to power as Chairman of the Federal Reserve and his role in shaping the modern financial landscape. With the perfect blend of political infighting, compelling dialogue, and captivating stories, "The Man Who Knew" offers a deep exploration of Greenspan's legacy that will keep readers engaged from start to finish.

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 47%

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Joseph Anton: A Memoir - Thryft
Salman Rushdie

Joseph Anton: A Memoir

Regular price RM26.85 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 38%

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If you're captivated by the intersection of personal struggle and global politics, "Joseph Anton: A Memoir" offers an intimate glimpse into Salman Rushdie's life under the fatwa. Rushdie isn't just a novelist; he's now a symbol of intellectual freedom, and his experiences shed light on the weighty impact literature can have on the world. The raw honesty and reflective prose might resonate with you if you're interested in the human side of ideological battles and the resilience required to stand firm amidst chaos.

Regular price RM26.85 MYR from RM19.07 MYR Save up to 38%

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House of Cards: How Wall Street's Gamblers Broke Capitalism - Thryft
William D. Cohan

House of Cards: How Wall Street's Gamblers Broke Capitalism

Regular price RM30.74 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 30%

Unit price

"House of Cards" offers an exhilarating dive into the adrenaline-packed world of Wall Street just before its collapse. Cohan's narrative feels like you're right there on the trading floor, amidst the chaotic world where immense riches and catastrophic risks are part of the daily routine. If you're fascinated by the intricate details of financial meltdowns and the high-stakes gambles that topple empires, this detailed, behind-the-scenes exploration of Bear Stearns' demise won't disappoint.

Regular price RM30.74 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 30%

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Other People's Money : Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People? - Thryft
John Kay

Other People's Money : Masters of the Universe or Servants of the People?

from RM54.09 MYR

Unit price

Other People's Money isn't just an insider's critique, it's a compelling exposé that demystifies the financial world for the average reader. If you've ever wondered how the finance sector operates and affects your life, this book by John Kay, an industry insider, offers an eye-opening perspective. You'll gain an understanding of how financial institutions manipulate wealth and how the industry has spiraled into self-serving complexity. Kay's clear explanations make this book a must-read for anyone seeking clarity on the often-convoluted world of finance.

from RM54.09 MYR

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The New Digital Age : Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business - Thryft
Eric Schmidt

The New Digital Age : Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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The New Digital Age is more than just speculative fiction; it's a roadmap informed by insiders with an impressive track record. Schmidt and Cohen provide a thoughtful analysis that blends their technology expertise with socioeconomic and political insights. If you're intrigued by the implications of the digital revolution on the global stage, this collaboration offers a compelling exploration of tomorrow's opportunities and challenges in an ever-connected world.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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Welfare and Values: Challenging the Culture of Unconcern - Thryft
Peter Askonas, Stephen F. Frowen

Welfare and Values: Challenging the Culture of Unconcern

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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If the intersection of economics, ethics, and societal welfare intrigues you, "Welfare and Values" can offer a multifaceted perspective that challenges the status quo. The blend of political, philosophical, and theological discussions alongside real-world initiatives paints a comprehensive picture and suggests that solutions to welfare issues are as complex as the problems themselves. This book would suit anyone looking to deepen their understanding of modern welfare challenges and the values driving our responses to them.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830 - Thryft
Paul Johnson

The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM38.53 MYR Save up to 23%

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"The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830" by Paul Johnson provides a sweeping, multifaceted panorama of an era teeming with progress and change. If you're keen on understanding how the modern world was shaped amidst the whirlwind of industrial, political, and cultural revolutions, this book threads together the defining moments and figures that sculpted our contemporary landscape. It's a substantial read that connects the past's dots to present a vivid tapestry of human advancement.

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM38.53 MYR Save up to 23%

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Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family - Thryft
Anne-Marie Slaughter

Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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"Unfinished Business" delves into the heart of current gender dynamics, especially in how both men and women navigate the precarious balance between professional success and personal fulfillment. Anne-Marie Slaughter's insights are shaped by her own journey and resonate with anyone looking to challenge the status quo of what it means to have it all. It's a thoughtful exploration that offers a new blueprint for work and family in modern society.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 34%

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The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century - Thryft
Thomas L. Friedman

The World is Flat : The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century

from RM22.96 MYR

Unit price

If you're intrigued by how technology bridges distances and creates a competitive global marketplace, "The World is Flat" is for you. Thomas L. Friedman takes you on a journey, explaining the complexities of globalization in a relatable way. It's like having a savvy guide walk you through the economic and social shifts that are shaping our interconnected world. With insights that can help you understand current events and what they mean for the future, this book feels like a necessary manual for anyone living in the 21st century.

from RM22.96 MYR

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Beyond Storms and Stars – A Memoir - Thryft
Noeleen Heyzer

Beyond Storms and Stars – A Memoir

Regular price RM22.96 MYR from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 43%

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This memoir, Beyond Storms and Stars, is a powerful and inspiring read for anyone looking for a story of triumph over adversity. Noeleen Heyzer's journey, from her challenging childhood to becoming a global leader at the United Nations, showcases the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of individuals and communities. This book celebrates the importance of women's empowerment and offers a powerful testament to the courage it takes to challenge structures of discrimination and injustice.

Regular price RM22.96 MYR from RM15.18 MYR Save up to 43%

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The Infinite Resource - The Power Of Ideas On A Finite Planet - Thryft
Ramez Naam

The Infinite Resource - The Power Of Ideas On A Finite Planet

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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If you're feeling overwhelmed by the current state of our planet, "The Infinite Resource" will offer you a refreshing perspective. Ramez Naam doesn't just dwell on the problems; he provides a roadmap to overcome them. This book is a blend of meticulous research and optimistic pragmatism that could change how you think about our world's future. It's a must-read for those passionate about innovative solutions and sustainability.

Regular price RM34.64 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 11%

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Hillary Rodham Clinton New Memoir - Thryft
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton New Memoir

from RM54.09 MYR

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Hillary Rodham Clinton’s inside account of the crises, choices, and challenges she faced during her four years as America’s 67th Secretary of State, and how those experiences drive her view of the future. This memoir is the story of the four extraordinary and historic years that followed, and the hard choices that she and her colleagues confronted. Secretary Clinton offers her views on what it will take for the United States to compete and thrive in an interdependent world. She makes a passionate case for human rights and the full participation in society of women, youth, and LGBT people. An astute eyewitness to decades of social change, she distinguishes the trendlines from the headlines and describes the progress occurring throughout the world, day after day. Sorry! Book description for this title is not available.

from RM54.09 MYR

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Hard Choices - Thryft
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hard Choices

Regular price RM42.42 MYR from RM34.64 MYR Save 18%

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"Hard Choices" is like a masterclass in diplomacy and decision-making from one of the most prominent figures in recent political history. If you're curious about the intricacies of global politics and appreciate a personal perspective that intertwines with the monumental events shaping our world, Hillary Clinton's reflections here are meticulously detailed and surprisingly candid. This book not only offers a glimpse into the corridors of power but also invites you to reflect on the weight of leadership.

Regular price RM42.42 MYR from RM34.64 MYR Save 18%

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Fast Food Nation: What the All-American Meal Is Doing to the World - Thryft
Eric Schlosser

Fast Food Nation: What the All-American Meal Is Doing to the World

Regular price RM30.74 MYR from RM22.96 MYR Save up to 30%

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If you're someone who breezes through drive-thrus without a second thought, "Fast Food Nation" will stop you in your tracks. It's not just a deep dive into what you're eating, but a revelation of how the fast food industry has reshaped society, labor, and health in profound and unsettling ways. Imagine uncovering the secrets behind your cheeseburger—it's thought-provoking, it's urgent, and it might just change how you see your next meal.

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Lee Kuan Yew: One Man’s View of the World - Thryft
Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Kuan Yew: One Man’s View of the World

Regular price RM233.11 MYR from RM198.09 MYR Save up to 15%

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This book could be a good read for someone seeking the insights of a highly respected and experienced leader on global affairs. Lee Kuan Yew's unique perspective, gained through his interactions with key world leaders, offers a fresh and candid take on the future of major powers like China, America, and Europe. Through thought-provoking analysis, he explores society, beliefs, and the prospects of nations in the upcoming balance of power. The Q&A sections with journalists provide an additional layer of depth to this gripping read, making it a valuable resource for those interested in understanding the global landscape.

Regular price RM233.11 MYR from RM198.09 MYR Save up to 15%

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Made In China - Wuhan, Covid And The Quest For Biotech Supremacy - Thryft
Jasper Becker

Made In China - Wuhan, Covid And The Quest For Biotech Supremacy

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 47%

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Recommendation: - This book is a must-read for those who want to understand the geopolitical implications of the Covid-19 pandemic. By delving into the inner workings of China's Party leadership, Jasper Becker exposes the country's relentless pursuit of global technology domination through bio-engineering. With meticulous research, Becker uncovers the links between the pandemic and the future of international relations, shedding light on a monumental shift in the world order. A captivating and eye-opening read that will leave you questioning the balance of power.

Regular price RM50.20 MYR from RM26.85 MYR Save up to 47%

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Mao: The Unknown Story - Thryft
Jung Chang, Jon Halliday

Mao: The Unknown Story

Regular price RM46.31 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 35%

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This comprehensive biography of Mao is like a deep dive into history that busts myths wide open. It offers unprecedented insights into Mao's life far beyond the conventional stories. If you thought you knew the Chairman, this book will surprise you with its revelations and the exhaustive research backing them. You'll find it a captivating read that's as educational as it is eye-opening.

Regular price RM46.31 MYR from RM30.74 MYR Save up to 35%

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