Moving Britain Forward : Selected Speeches, 1997-2006

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Visionary insight into Britain's modernization appeal.

This book is recommended for those who are interested in the political processes, Britain's role in the world, and social responsibilities of citizens towards each other. It is a collection of speeches by the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, which provide readers with a coherent vision for a modern, forward-looking Britain. The speeches are integrated and serve as a formidable reflection of the intellect of the author. The book also contains short introductions from prominent personalities such as Kofi Annan, Nelson Mandela, and J.K. Rowling. All the proceeds from this book go towards a significant cause, the Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory for medical cell biology.

Moving Britain Forward : Selected Speeches, 1997-2006

Regular price RM38.65 MYR
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ISBN: 9780747588382
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: RM94.15 MYR
Authors: Gordon Brown
Publisher: Bloomsbury Pub Ltd
Date of Publication: 2006-01-01
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 3.0
(rated by 2 readers)


Aimed at the general reader and covering a broad range of topics, from Britishness and fairness, through the economy and public services, to child poverty and environmental issues, this book is essential reading for anyone who wants to discover what motivates Gordon Brown, and what his vision is for a modern, forward-looking Britain. Though varying in tone and style, the Chancellor's speeches stand as an integrated whole—as those of very few politicians do—because they reflect long thought and a coherent view of Britain, of our responsibilities to one another as citizens, and of Britain's role in the world. Prefaced by short introductions by leading figures including Kofi Annan, Helen Clark, Linda Colley, Ralph Dahrendorf, Al Gore, Alan Greenspan, Nelson Mandela, Wangaari Maathai, Trevor Phillips, J. K. Rowling, Jonathan Sacks, Derek Wanless, and Sir Magdi Yacoub, they reflect a formidable and widely read intellect, trained in the analytic skills of the historian but also—and far more importantly—inspired by a vision of what the political process can achieve for our society and our nation.
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Visionary insight into Britain's modernization appeal.

This book is recommended for those who are interested in the political processes, Britain's role in the world, and social responsibilities of citizens towards each other. It is a collection of speeches by the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, which provide readers with a coherent vision for a modern, forward-looking Britain. The speeches are integrated and serve as a formidable reflection of the intellect of the author. The book also contains short introductions from prominent personalities such as Kofi Annan, Nelson Mandela, and J.K. Rowling. All the proceeds from this book go towards a significant cause, the Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory for medical cell biology.