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"The Next Person You Meet in Heaven" is a heartwarming and emotional story that reminds us how important our lives are and the impact we have on others. It's a good read for those who seek to find meaning in their lives or have struggled to come to terms with loss and grief. The book's unique feature is its approach to the afterlife, as it portrays an imaginative and magical vision of heaven where the characters get a chance to meet those who had influenced their lives. The author's writing style is simple, yet profoundly true, leaving readers uplifted by the end of the book.

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The Next Person You Meet in Heaven : A gripping and life-affirming novel from a globally bestselling author

ISBN: 9780751571899
RM58.63 MYR
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: RM141.91 MYR
Authors: Mitch Albom
Publisher: Sphere
Date of Publication: 2018-01-01
Format: Hardcover
Goodreads rating: 4.31
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"The Next Person You Meet in Heaven" is a heartwarming and emotional story that reminds us how important our lives are and the impact we have on others. It's a good read for those who seek to find meaning in their lives or have struggled to come to terms with loss and grief. The book's unique feature is its approach to the afterlife, as it portrays an imaginative and magical vision of heaven where the characters get a chance to meet those who had influenced their lives. The author's writing style is simple, yet profoundly true, leaving readers uplifted by the end of the book.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!