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"Letters to a Young Artist" offers an intimate and illuminating conversation between a wise and experienced artist and a young, self-doubting artist. Julia Cameron's haunting and eloquent letters answer essential questions that every artist has on their journey, including how to find encouragement and keep moving despite fear. As a leading authority on creativity and art, Cameron provides valuable artistic wisdom and inspiration for any self-doubting creator.

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Letters to a Young Artist : Building a Life in Art

ISBN: 9781585424092
RM55.93 MYR
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: RM95.06 MYR
Authors: Julia Cameron
Publisher: Tarcher
Date of Publication: 2005-04-21
Format: Hardcover
Goodreads rating: 3.8
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"Letters to a Young Artist" offers an intimate and illuminating conversation between a wise and experienced artist and a young, self-doubting artist. Julia Cameron's haunting and eloquent letters answer essential questions that every artist has on their journey, including how to find encouragement and keep moving despite fear. As a leading authority on creativity and art, Cameron provides valuable artistic wisdom and inspiration for any self-doubting creator.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!