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If you're drawn to the intricate tapestry of history unfurling amidst chaos, "The Siege of Krishnapur" offers just that—a blend of suspense, humor, and profound insights into civilization's fragility. It's a page-turner that doesn't just rely on action, but dives deep into a riveting period of history, examining both the heroism and insanity that crisis can provoke. The book doesn't shy away from the details, whether it's the mechanics of war or the sociology of a siege. Its Booker Prize isn't merely a decoration, but a testament to its layered narrative and lasting impact.

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The Siege Of Krishnapur : Winner of the Booker Prize

ISBN: 9781857994919
RM46.69 MYR
Estimated First-hand Retail Price: RM87.81 MYR
Authors: J.G. Farrell
Date of Publication: 1993-01-01
Format: Paperback
Goodreads rating: 3.92
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If you're drawn to the intricate tapestry of history unfurling amidst chaos, "The Siege of Krishnapur" offers just that—a blend of suspense, humor, and profound insights into civilization's fragility. It's a page-turner that doesn't just rely on action, but dives deep into a riveting period of history, examining both the heroism and insanity that crisis can provoke. The book doesn't shy away from the details, whether it's the mechanics of war or the sociology of a siege. Its Booker Prize isn't merely a decoration, but a testament to its layered narrative and lasting impact.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!